CloudBridge Definition
The CloudBridge helps an organization to bridge their data center and the hosting environment, making a secure wing for the enterprise network. CloudBridge Connectors enable the enhancement of data centers with the ability and competence available from cloud providers. The Connector enables seamless migration of applications to the cloud, reduction of costs and increase in reliability.
CloudBridge can also be used to connect two data centers for a high-powered secure and accelerated link. When you employ a CloudBridge connector solution, you can connect one datacenter to another or even an external cloud such as an Amazon AWS. To successfully install CloudBridges, one has to set up a tunnel called CloudBridge connector between a NetScaler and virtual application that resides in the cloud.
The appliance where the CloudBridge Connector tunnel is installed is called the end. The connector follows two protocols namely the Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) and the Open-standard IPSec Protocol suite, in transport mode.
GRE protocol is used to connect networks running non-IP and non-routable protocols, link WAN and help create a transport tunnel for traffic that needs to be changed, unaffected across a different network. IPSec, on the other hand, secures messages between the endpoint in the CloudBridge Connector tunnel. The IPSec protocol suite ensures data integrity, data origin authentication, data confidentiality and protection against reply attack.
The CloudBridge Virtual WAN enables organizations to bring the benefits of virtualization to the enterprise WAN.
CloudBridge appliances support an array of optimizations which include:
Multi-session compression with compression ratios of up to 10,000:1.
Traffic shaping to ensure that high-priority and interactive traffic takes precedence over low-priority or bulk traffic.
Advanced TCP protocol acceleration, which reduces delays on congested or high-latency links.
Video Caching.
CloudBridge provides strong usability even with small or corrupted links, gives utmost output to the enterprise. CloudBridge services can be used for the largest data center to the smallest branch office and even in the laptop.
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