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"Trojan, a name adapted from the Trojan war story, is a computer program that masquerades as a normal file while in reality is a virus." Most Trojans penetrate a computer via email attachment. These emails are disguised to appear legit. After the user downloads these files, it starts to corrupt the system. A Trojan can also come unannounced as a payload with freeware and shareware that floods the internet. Although all freeware are not packaged with Trojan, it is advised to download such software from genuine sources. The multiple utilities of Trojan, which is directly proportional to the motive of the attacker, transform it into an internet gryphon. The utilities include identity theft, data theft, crashing computers, spying or tracking user activities. Installing good anti-virus software that keeps virus definition up-to-date and the one that cautions the user while opening an email attachment is the first step towards fighting Trojan.

Classification of Trojans

Trojans can be classified in the following categories:

Backdoor Trojan

A backdoor Trojan gives the attacker control over the infected computer. This empowers the attacker to do anything he wishes. Be it sending, receiving, launching and deleting files, displaying data or rebooting the system. The most dangerous manifestation of Backdoor Trojan is uniting a group of victim computers to form a zombie network that can be used for criminal purposes.

Exploit Trojan

Exploit Trojan uses the vulnerabilities of software to take advantage. These programs contain data or codes that facilitate such processes.

DDoS Trojan

This variety of Trojan carries out a series of DoS (Denial of Service) attacks directed against a particular web address. By sending multiple requests from a single computer or via a zombie network, the attack can mutilate the target address resulting in denial of service.

Dropper Trojan

Trojan-Dropper is a computer program used by hackers to plant or install Trojans and viruses – or to prevent detection of malicious files. Not all anti-virus are equipped with capabilities to scan and detect this type of Trojan.

FakeAV Trojan

This is the most talked about version of Trojan that has victimized many netizens. This virus program simulates anti-virus software activities and is used to extort money in lieu of removing the threats detected, which in reality are non-existential.

IM Trojan

It is used to steal login passwords of the accounts used for instant messaging services such as ICQ, MSN Messenger, AOL, Yahoo Pager, Skype, among others.

Ransom Trojan

Another kind of Trojan that has harassed people is Trojan-Ransom. This virus can modify data on the computer and make it non-functional. The attacker will restore normalcy of functioning only when the ransom is paid. 

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